A Loving Tribute to Mary Ann Stein, z”l
Dear Friends,
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our beloved founder, leader, and friend, Mary Ann Stein, z”l.
A tireless champion for social justice causes throughout her life, Mary Ann served for more than 30 years as the founding president of The Moriah Fund. With a philosophy rooted in fundamental Jewish values – concern for the disadvantaged and an emphasis on self-reliance, as well as a commitment to equity, justice and tikkun olam – Mary Ann focused on human and civil rights in the U.S., Israel and around the world, women’s rights and reproductive health and economic justice. Her generosity was legendary, matched only by her unflagging energy, optimism and personal modesty.
Within Israel, Mary Ann was profoundly committed to the successful integration of the Ethiopian-Israeli community. She was equally passionate about achieving true equality for Palestinian citizens of Israel and helping asylum seekers find refuge and compassion.
She was the visionary behind the founding of ICEI in 2009, initially aimed at dramatically improving literacy outcomes among Israel’s Ethiopian students. Under her 13-year leadership as board chair, ICEI grew considerably, eventually expanding its mandate to include all Arab and Jewish children in underperforming schools in Israel’s low-income communities. Today, we are proud to be working in more than 50 Jewish and Arab underperforming elementary schools across Israel’s social and geographic periphery. Our success is a testament to Mary Ann’s drive, trust and vision.
Working alongside Mary Ann was an inspiration and an education. It was also a lot of fun. We have tried to infuse her values – to believe change is possible, to commit to the long term, to always come from a place of being supportive and respectful – into every aspect of our work.
Mary Ann was an inimitable leader, mentor and friend who will be sorely missed. We will forever be grateful for her profound impact on our efforts, and we will strive to continue in her path.
We extend our deepest condolences to the Stein family and to all who mourn her passing. We hope they may find comfort in knowing how many lives she saved and transformed.
With warm regards,
Don Futterman,
Executive Director, ICEI