Government Partnerships – ICEI The Israel Center for Educational Innovation Sun, 11 Aug 2024 19:30:28 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Government Partnerships – ICEI 32 32 Gefen Thu, 21 Dec 2023 07:09:38 +0000


Gefen is a national initiative run by the Ministry of Education, empowering school principals with resources to select educational services. ICEI now offers services to schools through Gefen

A teacher teaches a group of children a song in Hebrew

Gefen (Hebrew for ‘grapevine’ and an acronym for ‘Management and Pedagogical Flexibility’) is a national initiative run by the Ministry of Education. 

Gefen is designed to provide school principals and local authorities with the budgetary flexibility to realize their educational goals, out of respect and recognition of their ability to adapt resources and services to the unique needs of their communities. Gefen provides a list of approved school programs and gives school administrations significant financial resources and autonomy to select services from these approved programs.

By participating in Gefen, ICEI is expanding our reach to more schools while enhancing our existing programs in both Jewish and Arab elementary schools with additional resources. Gefen enables both new and veteran ICEI partner schools to benefit from ICEI’s ongoing support services.

Participating Schools

ICEI operates in the following schools within the Gefen framework:

Almaz Thu, 21 Dec 2023 06:47:40 +0000


Almaz is the Ministry of Education’s initiative to advance Ethiopian-Israeli students and familiarity with Ethiopian-Israeli culture in elementary schools

Two schoolgirls are hugging

Almaz (Amharic for ‘jewel’) is a multi-year initiative of The Ministry of Education’s Department of Elementary Education. 

The initiative seeks to advance academic achievements among Ethiopian-Israeli students in elementary schools, bridge the achievement gap between Ethiopian-Israeli students and other students in their schools, raise the sense of self-efficacy of Ethiopian-Israeli students, and familiarize schools with the culture of the Ethiopian-Israeli community.

To achieve their goals, Almaz provides funding for staff members in elementary schools to promote language literacy and to take on the responsibility of integrating Ethiopian-Israelis into their school communities.

ICEI was selected as one of the only external partners in the Almaz initiative. ICEI’s Literacy Coaches and Parent & Community Engagement Coordinators in participating schools work towards the goals of Almaz and have succeeded in bridging achievement gaps between Ethiopian-Israeli students and their peers.

Participating Schools

ICEI operates in the following schools within the Almaz framework:

Tamkin Joint Venture Wed, 20 Dec 2023 10:11:14 +0000

Tamkin Joint Venture

with the Ministry of Education

The Tamkin Joint Venture is an unprecedented initiative by the Ministry of Education to bring the Tamkin program to 15 Arab elementary schools in need of comprehensive intervention.

Tamkin Joint Venture
First grade students learning to read Arabic

Tamkin, which means “empowerment” in Arabic, is a groundbreaking program aimed at transforming chronically underperforming Arab elementary schools in Israel.

As part of a large-scale governmental economic development plan for Arab society in Israel, the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Social Equality are partnering with ICEI in a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity:  A 33-million shekel ($9 million) 5-year Joint Venture between ICEI and the Ministry that brings ICEI’s Tamkin program to 15 additional schools in dire need of a comprehensive intervention.

Until now, most government investments and programs in the Arab school system targeted high schools, with few pedagogically focused intervention programs in Arab elementary schools. Since research overwhelmingly supports the thesis that acquiring basic literacy skills in elementary school is crucial to future success in all academic fields, interventions in middle school or later may be too late.

The Joint Venture for the Tamkin Program between the Ministry of Education and ICEI, in conjunction and with funding from the Ministry of Social Equality, represents the largest investment the Israeli government has committed to a pedagogically focused Joint Venture in Arab elementary education.

Over time, this unprecedented initiative to expand Tamkin will reduce disparities between Jewish and Arab education systems in Israel. By empowering principals, teachers, schools, and communities, it will help ensure equal access to quality education.

Participating Schools

ICEI currently runs Tamkin in the following schools and communities, as part of the Joint Venture:

Meisharim Wed, 20 Dec 2023 06:28:54 +0000


The Turnaround Schools Strategy

ICEI is one of the operators of The Turnaround Schools Strategy – ‘Meisharim,’ a joint venture of the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Finance and Yad Hanadi

Misherim - for fairness in education
Teacher and students in class

Meisharim – The Turnaround Schools Strategy is a joint venture of the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Finance and Yad Hanadiv, operating since 2019. The initiative seeks to create sustainable changes in underperforming elementary schools that serve students from low socioeconomic backgrounds.

The vision of Meisharim is advancing social mobility among Turnaround (Meisharim) school graduates, increasing effectiveness of other similar school interventions and promoting fairness in Israeli elementary school education.

ICEI is one of only three third-sector operators nationwide selected for the prestigious Meisharim initiative. 

ICEI’s comprehensive five-year intervention in Meisharim schools includes mentoring of principals, professional development in literacy, measurement and evaluation, improving the school climate, building learning spaces, parent and community engagement, and more. 

Many of ICEI’s core principles and programmatic elements have been adopted by Meisharim across all participating schools, including the position of the Literacy Coach and literacy instruction methodologies.

Participating Schools

ICEI currently operates in 12 Meisharim schools (both Arab and Jewish) in communities across Israel:
