Atzmaut Plus

Ethiopian-Israeli parents handing out Sigd treats to students

ICEI’s Atzmaut Plus program offers empowering workshops, mentorship, and enrichment activities for Ethiopian-Israeli parents whose children study in ICEI schools


2 students study in front of a computer screen

Used worldwide, LightSail is a powerful digital teaching and reading literacy platform that we have successfully adapted into Hebrew and piloted in ICEI schools

Springboard to Success

A student reads in a notebook

Springboard to Success is ICEI’s comprehensive lower grades intervention program for grades 1-3, focusing on basic reading and writing skills acquisition.


A student writes on the board

Qalam is a groundbreaking program aimed at transforming Arab elementary schools in Israel.

It’s Elementary!

Three female students are reading a book

It’s Elementary!, ICEI’s flagship program, is the most comprehensive and ambitious Whole School Improvement Program for grades 1-6 in Israel